My top 6 foods for workout recovery

In case you missed todays show, I recommended some great workout recovery foods. Here they are:

Apples | The skin is high in quercetin which is a flavonoid with potent antioxidant action. This means that by eating an apple your body will be able to recover from the stress of your workout quicker.

Pineapple | High in bromelain, this enzyme has be shown to be anti-inflammatory and can even reduce the pain from osteoarthris.

Sardines | They can be quite tasty when cooked right and this little fish provides one of the highest sources of Omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids can help you avoid or reduce chronic inflammation.

Sweet potatoes | Potatoes get a bad rap but sweet potatoes are high in a power house anti-oxidant called carotenoids. These reduce cell damage that can be caused by your workouts thereby aiding in recovery.

Ginger  | This is the superstar of anti-inflammatory foods. It contains very potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols. Some studies have shown ginger to be as potent as NSAIDS [Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs] minus all the side effects.

Walnuts | This nut stands out for its high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, it has the highest Omega-3s out of all nuts. Studies have shown that walnuts reduce stress to your body during intense workouts therefore speeding up muscle recovery.

Don't let an injury get in the way of your 2016 fitness goals

With the start of the New Year, a common resolution is to get active. If you want your fitness regime to continue through the year, you need to stay injury free. Here are some steps you can take to decrease your risk of injury.


1.     Warm up before starting your workout. This can be done with some light cardio and/or dynamic stretching.  Examples: walking on the treadmill, jumping jacks, slow jog, arm and hip swings.


2.     Stretch after your workout.  Leave a good 10-15 minutes after your workout to stretch all the muscles that you have worked out. This will help speed up recovery, prepare you for your next workout, prevent injury and best of all it just feels good.


3.     Eat foods that help promote recovery and that are anti-inflammatory. Watermelon has been shown to lower muscle soreness while ginger and pineapple have significant anti-inflammatory properties.


4.     See a Chiropractor for a comprehensive assessment prior to starting your workout regime. By looking at your gait, assessing your movement patterns and evaluating your posture, a chiropractic doctor can make appropriate recommendations for you to prevent injuries. For example, many knee injuries can be avoided by wearing custom fit orthotics. If you sit at a desk all day, you may want to avoid heavy chest work to avoid shoulder injuries.