Breakfast Television - a routine to ease piriformis syndrome
/If you sit at a desk all day or even on the couch you may experience vague discomfort and pain where you sit. We call this lower cross syndrome, gluteal amnesia dead butt syndrome or more recently office chair butt.
In this syndrome, muscle tightness and weakness combine to create an imbalance. Constant sitting weakens the gluteus medius, the main stabilizer muscles in the buttock. The job of the gluteus medius is to stabilize your hips and pelvis. When it’s weak and can’t function properly, you may experience varying levels of hip and lower back pain when you sit and sometimes when you move. It also causes the hip flexors to tighten and since these muscles attach to the spine - can lead to back pain.
With minutes of sitting down - the nerves that activate glutes can shut down which can cause your glutes to atrophy (lose muscle) over time. This can cause your glutes to become weak, sag and flatten.
Dr. Liza Egbogah shares tips to combat office butt and exercises that will help your butt and back feel better. These exercises will also help lift and round your glutes so it doesn’t look like you’ve been sitting all day.
Watch the segment here: