The November Issue of FASHION Magazine

Dr. Liza Egbogah - FASHION

As a kid I was a mathlete [competed in math 🤓], member of the environmental club, aspiring doctor and all around super nerd - the dream of every Nigerian parent. But when my homework was done and I had completed extra credit assignments  to my hearts content I would spend hours flipping through fashion magazines. I was in awe of the fashion and those who graced the pages. I always thought my parents were the most stylish people I’ve seen yet as I looked through those magazines I saw no one like them. So I accepted that fashionable Nigerian academics had no place in fashion magazines. Yet I’ve always been a dreamer and thought how amazing it would be to one day be in a fashion magazine rocking my hand made batik and scrunchies. While being a doctor seemed easily attainable -  my magazine goals seemed nothing short of a pipe dream.

Fast forward decades later and here I am in all my Nigerian glory in a fashion magazine minus the scrunchies. I know my dad would immediately get this spread framed in an over the top heavy gold frame - so that’s exactly what I’m going to do ❤️

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