The Social - Treatment and exercises for bunions

Dr. Liza Egbogah returns to The Social with the bunion fix - exercises and self-treatments that won’t get rid of your bunions but will make them look and feel a whole lot better. Dr. Liza shares 4 foot exercises and 1 self treatment that you can to to strengthen your feet, minimize the pain from bunions, prevent them from getting worse and have them looking better.

And if you're looking for shoes that are great if you have bunions visit

Exercises to alleviate hand pain and/or numbness

Have you noticed your hands getting sore or even numb? It may be because of the amount of time you’re spending on your photo or computer. Try these 5 easy moves you can do to relieve hand discomfort and tension. Some of the moves also double as acupressure points to relieve stress and anxiety. And we all need a little more stress relief.

The Social | Make your own essential oil blends

Make your own essential oil blends that can help you relax, energize you, ease aches and pains and even make you happier. One of these blends is our signature aromatherapy blend at the[fix]. Enjoy!

An 8 minute routine using a a lacrosse ball to get the same effect as a 60 minute massage

Tips on how to get a full-body massage in eight minutes. Posture expert Dr. Liza shares her tips on how to de-stress and release tension in key areas with only a massage ball. Learn how to roll out your pec muscles [pectoralis minor], middle back, hip flexor muscles [psoas] and glute muscles with a lacrosse ball to not only feel better but also improve your posture.

The Social | These dance moves will help improve your hip mobility

There’s a reason why standing desks have replaced standard ones in some offices. Our technology may be getting smarter, however we’re becoming more sedentary (whether screen time or work settings are to blame for this is a separate discussion). Some sources even claim that prolonged sitting is just as bad for our health as smoking.


Statistics show that, on average, Canadian adults spend 10 hours of their waking time sitting. This is a growing concern because there’s definitely a downside to sitting down for too long or too much. Here are five negative effects of sedentary behaviour:

Shorter life span

When you sit or lie down, it counts as physical inactivity, which we all know is terrible for our overall health. But research has shown that your one-hour daily sweat sesh doesn’t matter as much as what you do for majority of your day. A 2017 study published in Annals of Internal Medicine found that regardless of whether or not you regularly exercise, sitting for uninterrupted, long periods of time increases your risk of an early death from any cause. Other research reveals that decreasing your sitting time by just three hours can add two years to your life.

Higher risk of cardiovascular disease

Heart health is important, so taking steps to prevent cardiovascular disease is always a good idea. But not taking enough literal (foot)steps can be doing some major damage to your health. Studies have shown a link between sedentary behaviour and cardiovascular health. One study in particular says that sitting for a total of more than 10 hours a day increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Higher risk of dementia

Dementia refers to a group of symptoms caused by brain disorders. Symptoms may include memory loss, as well as difficulties with thinking and problem-solving, which can affect one’s ability to do everyday tasks. Research suggests that sedentary behaviour plays as much of a role in increasing the risk of dementia as genetic factors.

Higher risk of Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that can cause serious complications in various parts of the body. A study that involved 794,577 participants was published in the journal Diabetologiarevealing that those who regularly sit for long durations double their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Higher risk of disability

We often take advantage of having the ability to perform mundane tasks such as getting out of bed or taking a shower. But regular prolonged sitting can affect our physical abilities in the future. “Each hour spent sitting could raise the risk of having trouble with tasks like dressing and eating regardless of physical activity levels, a study of people aged 60 and older suggests,” the CBC reports.

Lucky for us, there are things we can do to combat the “sitting disease”. In the video above, manual osteopath, Dr. Liza Egbogah, shares some fun stretches you can do to increase hip mobility, which like many parts of the body, is affected when we sit longer than we’re supposed to.


The Energy Fix


We all lead busy lives trying to juggle work and family and everything in between, so it’s no wonder that our bodies revolt from time to time! Lucky for us, Manual Osteopath Liza Egbogah has some tips and treatments for an instant energy boost.

Feeling tired, drained or depressed are all symptoms of fatigue. Fatigue can be a result of many things like an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, depression, trauma, lack of sleep or most commonly an unbalanced framework.


If you’re feeling worn down an osteopathic treatment can really help. This treatment aims to restore your health and energy by promoting joint mobility, better posture, nerve function and circulation by massaging the bones, joints and muscles.


The “Energy Fix” treatment instantly improves energy levels and promotes restful, higher qualities of sleep. This treatment uses a combination of osteopathic mobilizations, modalities and essential oils like peppermint and orange oil to improve blood flow, increase energy levels, reduce stress and promote a deeper sleep.

Acupressure can also help energize and invigorate. Using the points, it releases muscle tension and pain while also stimulating and increasing blood circulation, lymph and endorphins. Instead of using needles, acupressure relies on fingers to push on acupoints. Putting pressure on these acupoints release natural painkillers called endorphins that blocks pain signals along nerves and eases insomnia and fatigue.


This point is located just between and above the eyebrows, also known as the third eye chakra and is used to open and clear perception and calm the mind from overactive thinking. So not only does it give you instant energy but it also helps you relax.


It is located at the highest point of the shoulder muscle and can be used to simulate circulation and relieve fatigue.


Located at 2 finger widths below the belly button, this point translates to ‘Sea of Qi and is used to call upon deep, dormant energy to relieve tiredness.


This point also known as ‘Leg Three Miles’ boosts your energy and strengthens your muscles so much that you can even walk 3 more miles when used. It is located 4 finger widths below the kneecap and 1 finger width to the outside of your shin bone. Not only does it increase your energy but it also helps with digestive problems.


This is located on the top of the foot, 2 finger widths above where the big toe and second toe meet and is used to relieve stress, ease anxiety and increase smooth blood circulation.

Dr. Liza is the Body & Posture Expert of choice for political leaders, CEOs and A-list celebrities. When she’s not traveling to treat her Hollywood clientele, Dr. Liza practices as a manual osteopath at the[fix], her boutique clinic in Toronto’s Financial District.

4 Easy Moves For A Natural Butt Lift

Sitting at a desk all day, or too much sitting in general, can lead to a flatter backside.

It's true!

While you're sitting, your glute muscles aren't working at all, and over time, they become weaker and elongated. In turn, the body "turns off" the glutes and begins relying on stronger muscles nearby, like those in your lower back and surrounding your knees, to pick up the slack. The bad news is that extra the extra stress on these body parts makes them more susceptible to injury especially in the knees and back. 

Our sedentary lifestyles mean more women are losing the definition between their thighs and their butt than ever before. They call it the ‘thut’ and it’s when the muscles on the back of a woman’s legs are undeveloped, leading the butt and thigh to appear as a single piece of anatomy. It just makes it look like your bum has dropped down into your leg and you lose that lift that a toned butt should have. 

So how can we save our butts from going flat? We need to learn to activate, or “wake up” your glute muscles, as well as stretch and release tight muscles that attach to the glutes through fascia and contribute to the flattening of your butt. 

There are exercises that actually help to build muscles in your glutes. 



Stand straight with your feet together. Engage your core muscles and bend forward so that you are almost parallel to the floor. Keeping your knees together bend your right knee to about 45 degrees. Lift the right leg  knee out until it is the same level as your hip, keeping the knee bent.  Lower to start position. Repeat this movement for 30 seconds, switch legs and perform movement on opposite leg for another 30 seconds.

This is one of the best exercises your can do to strengthen your gluteus medius muscles which will help to round out your butt while working to also treat/prevent hip, back and knee pain.



Start with your feet in a wide stance, toes pointed out as far as is comfortable. Keeping your back and spine in a neutral position, and torso upright, tighten your core. Bend the knees outwards so they remain over your ankles, and sit down with your butt into a squat position. Hold for 5 seconds and slowly come up to a count of 5. 


The wider stance works to take the majority of the effort of squatting from your quadriceps and shift it into the glutes working your gluteus maximus which is the largest of the glute muscles. It also helps to open up your hips, which is helpful in activating your glutes and preventing back pain. Plus, as a bonus, it doesn't put too much stress on your lower back. 




Lie flat on the floor on your back with your hands by your sides and your knees bent. Make sure your feet are flat on the ground and placed about hip width apart. Take one of your legs and straighten it so that your toes are pointing up towards the ceiling

Push through your heel, lift your hips off the floor while keeping your back straight. Breathe out as you perform this part of the motion and hold at the top for a second. Slowly bring your butt back down to the floor to complete the rep. Repeat


This exercise is a powerhouse for lifting the butt by strengthening the glutes while also targeting your obliques to give you a more defined waist line and stronger core. This will help to create lines between the waist and the glutes giving your butt better definition.




While standing, bring your leg up so that your thigh is parallel to the ground and your knee is bent to 90 degrees. Grab your big toe with your 2nd and 3rd fingers and your thumb. When you feel that you have your balance, kick your leg out to the side so that your leg is straight. The standing leg and the leg in front of you should both be straight and your hips should point forward. Bring your leg out to the side so that the inner thigh is facing the front of the room and try to bring your leg as high to the side as possible so that it is parallel to your body. Hold for 15-20 seconds and repeat on the other leg.

This exercise strengthens the legs while seriously working the glutes. By doing this exercise you will not only build up your glute med muscles that give a crucial in creating lift but also stretching to help minimize the appearance of the ‘thut’.

Watch the full segment here:

Foam Rolling for Leaner, Longer and Pain free Legs!


Research has shown that foam rolling before your workout can increase range of motion without the decrease in muscle power that can result from pre-workout static stretching.
Using a foam roller to achieve improved range of motion allows you to become stronger in that extended range. For example, if you are working on doing deep squats, foam rolling will facilitate a deeper squat thereby allowing improved engagement and strengthening of your glutes. So, if you are strength training as part of your half-marathon prep, you should be able to improve your time.  

You can have postural imbalances caused by tight muscles and fascia. By releasing the right muscles and fascia with myofascial release you can help to correct these postural imbalances. 
Foam rolling can also stimulate the lymphatic system and help to reduce fluid retention.  This effect is short lived but by reducing a bloated appearance and dimpling in the skin, rolling will have you looking leaner for at least a couple of hours. 

Read the full article here:

The Social - Facial Cupping + Facial Yoga


I joined my friends at The Social to show how some facial cupping and yoga can make you look radiant and years younger naturally. Watch the video below and head to The Social to learn how to do face yoga! I incorporate this treatment and prescribe these exercises as part of my 'face lift' treatment and red carpet fix!

The Social - The Bedroom Fix


Valentine’s Day is comin’ up quick, so you might be looking for some extra ways to boost the romance in your relationship. And even if you’re not February 14th’s biggest fan, we bet you wouldn’t mind having some great sex.

By increasing blood flow to your reproductive organs and brain, your ability to orgasm and the actual intensity is improved. Osteopathy can help to intensify or bring back your orgasm by releasing tensions in and around the pelvic anatomy and the spine by using a variety of osteopathic techniques to increase joint mobility, improve spinal and soft tissue health, and improve circulation.

Research shows that approximately 40 per cent of women and 30 per cent of men report sexual dysfunction.  Painful intercourse and inadequate (or absence of) orgasms are among the most common complaints of women who report sexual dysfunction. Myofascial restrictions and trigger points in the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding area can cause pain and also affect orgasmic capability and overall sexual response. Also, as women age, especially after menopause, blood flow to the clitoris and G-spot can be decreased, making it harder to orgasm.

The right exercises can also help you to achieve positions that can make sex more pleasurable. Having increased muscle and joint flexibility definitely helps in assuming those pleasurable positions. Opening your hips in particular gives you a wider range of motion in your nether regions, allowing for more direct stimulation in just the right spots. After all, one micro-movement in missionary is sometimes all it takes to ring the bell. 

Any regular exercise routine will make you healthier, and everyone knows that better health equals better sex. These moves in particular not only help improve hip mobility and increase blood flow to the clitoris and g-sport, they also improve sex drive in women.

An added bonus: some of these poses actually double as positions!

Watch the full segment and learn how to do the poses here:


The Social - Natural treatments and exercises for glowing skin


I had at the pleasure of joining my friends at The Social to show 4 yoga poses you can do to get glowing skin and demonstrate some myofascial release and osteopathic techniques that can be done to decrease muscle tension in the face, improve skin coloration and provide a youthful glow.

Watch the full segment here to learn some techniques you can do yourself to get your glow on!




Dance Away Your Back Pain


Learn dance moves that you can do to help prevent and treat back pain. Watch the video to learn some osteopathic techniques that can be used to treat back pain.