Could fascia massage derail the beauty industry?

It was a pleasure to contribute to this Dazed article on fascia and how myofascial release can affect the way we look. This topic is very misunderstood, so it was great to shed some light on a technique that I started in 2009 before it became mainstream.

“While academic studies are still lacking, anecdotal endorsements are stacking up. Dr Liza Egbogah, a Canadian osteopath and posture expert who has a doctor of chiropractic, has used fascial techniques to help people like Jennifer Lawrence and George Clooney with their posture. She tells Dazed, “if we were to remove all of your bones, you would still maintain most of your shape because of fascia. As such, fascia can be manually manipulated to change our appearance and structure.” Dr Egbogah says that many signs of “ageing” in our modern digital age are from stress and spending too much time looking down at phones and computers. “This behaviour changes our facial posture because knots in the fascia developed from looking downwards will also pull your face down as well,” she says. “Myofascial release can counteract these effects. Even wrinkles can be a result of knots in the fascia and when you release those knots the wrinkles can essentially be erased.”

Read the full article here